Anyone Can Code

At RRISD, we believe that all students should have an opportunity to learn coding. Data shows that the job market for people with computing skills is in high demand.

Students from Pre-K to 5th grade participated in an hour of coding over the past 2 weeks. They spent some time in the Makerspace with our campus Instructional Technology Specialist on various coding activities. The younger grades tried apps such as Code-a-pillar and Kodable, while the older students began programming Dash robots through a maze or making them slalom through bowling pins. Students were also able to use the Osmo apps Coding Awbie to make Awbie move on the screen and Code Jam to code making music on iPads. Some students decided to try Bloxels – a game board with an app for students to create platformer video games. We also provided an unplugged activity for creating binary bracelets. In addition, the library also had another maze to program the Dash robots to traverse and had links to hour of code online approved apps for the library iPads.

Students had such a good time learning through play about computer science. The learning doesn’t have to stop here though. If your students likes coding, we have a website of district approved apps that elementary students can try for free and with no login as well as unplugged activities. We also have a secondary website for older coders.

