- Nurse
- Breakfast & Lunch Menus
- Bus Locator & Routes
- Talented and Gifted (TAG)
- Community Education
- District Calendar
- Calendars
- Dyslexia
- e-News
- Families in Transition
- Free and Reduced Meal Application
- Gifted and Advanced Academic Services
- Home Access Center
- Handbooks
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- PAC (Performing Arts Center)
- RtI Response to Intervention
- Section 504
- Special Education
- Summer Learning
- Textbooks
- Volunteer
- Microsoft Office at Home
- Office Depot
- Broadcast Request Form
- Lunch Count
- Academy of Reading Teacher
- Access Center
- ARRC/Moodle
- Absence Management
- Counseling Request Form
- eCampus
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- Eduphoria
- Employee Self Service
- Google Online Training Center
- iStation Management
- Kronos Login
- Learning.com
- Origo Slate
- Pearson/Envision Online
- Performance Indicators Kindergarten
- Performance Indicators First Grade
- Performance Indicators Second Grade
- Print Services
- Review 360
- STEMScopes
- Student’s SSO (Single Sign On) Hub
- Teacher Access Center
- Teacher Portal
- Think Central
- Think Through Math
- Medical Mission at Home
- Medical Mission at Home Español
- Immunizations
- Registration
- Attending RRISD
- Research Resources
- Library Services
- Watch DOGS
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- Clubs
- Community Flyers
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- Principal’s Message
- School Supplies 24-25
- Technology
- Virtual Backpack
- Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)
- Aimsweb Plus
- Fast Forward
- Food Services
- TAG Referral Form
- iRead
- Community Education Classes Offered at Jollyville
- After school Classes at Jollyville
- Enrichment Classes at Jollyville
- Anonymous Alerts
- Menus
- State & Federal Programs
- Prekindergarten
- Kindergarten
- Weather Protocols
- Homeless Program Services
- Safety & Security
- Parent Guide
- Childcare Centers